My work draws from mythic and monstrous figures within queer, historical contexts. These stories find form in animations, sound pieces, and printed imagery. Imagery I am drawn to utilizes 'tropes' of historically queer characters such as vampires and angels to represent queer, disabled identities.
I take the most interest in gay transmasculinity, exploring grief and rage as they relate to being transgender, complex familial relationships, and the discovery of the self through an adult boyhood. I also explore themes of power, consent, BDSM, and the cisgender voyeur. All of my work has a focus on texture from real objects, creating a physicality to my work in the interest of bringing physical media into digital spaces. This physicality connects to my focus on bodies and the transformational nature of transness and gender fluidity. I place queer figures and symbols in places of physical, sexual, and emotional intimacy: a person doing another's hormone shot for them, a lover tightening a partner’s harness in bed, bathing a friend after surgery. I aim to combine the mediums I work with to explore these concepts, using queer history to inform narrative stories.